The University is committed to providing appropriate welfare support and we strongly encourage individuals to seek support and guidance in the first instance through the Help and Support page.

We recognise that on rare occasions some staff and students may wish to report anonymously.

In most circumstances, anonymous reporting makes it difficult for the University to follow up and address concerns either formally or informally and for this reason, where this occurs, the University will not be able to investigate further and will simultaneously open and close the report and no further action will be taken.

Please consider seeking support and guidance through the Help and Support page.

The definitions provided on this page are for illustrative purposes only and are not a definitive list. There is often overlap between definitions. You can also visit the support pages for information on definitions and the internal and external support services available.
Sexual harassment is unwanted and unwelcome words, conduct, or behaviour of a sexual nature that has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, embarrassing, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for the recipient. Sexual assault is unwanted and unwelcome physical contact of a sexual nature and can include pinching, embracing, groping, kissing, rape or penetration without consent. Sexual misconduct is defined as any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature which occurred in person or by letter, telephone, text, email, or other electronic and/or social media. Sexual misconduct can happen to anyone, regardless of gender identity or sexuality. It can include engaging, or attempting to engage, in a sexual act with another individual without consent, sexually touching another person without their consent and recording and/or sharing intimate images or recordings of another person without their consent. Domestic or relationship abuse, also known as domestic violence, can affect people of all genders and sexuality. It may be committed within an intimate (ex-intimate) relationship, or between family members. It can include physical abuse, sexual abuse, financial abuse, coercive control / emotional abuse and also so-called 'honour'-based violence and forced marriage. Stalking is unwanted, repeated, obsessive and/or controlling behaviours that make someone distressed or scared. There are many ways stalking can be perpetrated and it is most likely to be someone the recipient already knows.
Please do not provide us with any names. When a member of staff or current student is named and/or is identifiable, we may be obliged under data protection regulations to notify the individual.
(Optional but recommended)